
Waterside Residents Association

To join the Waterside Residents Association you have to be a resident or property owner in the Waterside Canals Estate, Dudley Park, WA 6210, which is defined on the map on the MEMBERSHIP page of this website.


The objectives of the Waterside Residents Association are:

1. To represent the membership of the Association in order to ensure that the amenities and environment of the Waterside suburb are maintained and improved, and the quality of the development and lifestyle of its residents is preserved.

2. To support and encourage the maintenance of standards throughout Waterside.

3. To liaise and foster good relations with Government, Local Authorities, Statutory Authorities and other relevant bodies.

4. To foster good relations with the Media to inform the Public.

5. To publish information sheets and newsletters for the benefit of Members, Authorities and other relevant bodies.

6. To appoint and engage Consultants and others whose appointment the Committee considers will facilitate the achievement of these objects.

Other Activities
In addition, the Waterside Residents’ Association organises social and education events including Sundowners, Christmas luncheon, a Christmas lights competition, waterway cruises, and arranges for Santa to visit the canals on Christmas Day.

Join up!

Joining the Waterside Residents Association is a great way for residents to get involved in activities with their neighbours and local community, and support security patrols of the estate. All residents are strongly encouraged to join the association. Association members are encouraged to support their organising committee by joining the Committee or volunteering their talents and time to assist with the organisation of events and activities for Members.

Mandurah Estuary Bridge looking towards Mandurah